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New Eve – a personalized baby food dispenser

DESIGN: Beata Agnieszka Nikolajczyk-Miniak



make me! 2019


The aversion shown by breastfed babies to commercially available breastmilk dispensers is a common problem for mothers who breastfeed naturally. New Eve is the answer to the problems and needs of breastfeeding women and their children. Developed on the basis of medical consultations and two-year studies in the field of multifaceted analysis of women’s breasts, the project has anatomical and sensual features resembling the female breast. It is similar in shape and structure, plastic and soft and combines the functions of a soother and a bottle. These functions are served by a one-piece unit with variable hardness: its upper part acts as the nipple and has the properties of the mother’s breast – it is soft and delicate, while the lower part, which is the grip part, is rigid and has a self-stopping mechanism to improve its usability. When the baby comes into contact with the product, the principle of variable plasticity is crucial, because the baby can not only consume breastmilk, but can also cuddle up to the product as if it was the mother’s breast.

New Eve – a personalized baby food dispenser, design: Beata Agnieszka Nikolajczyk-Miniak / from the designer’s archive

New Eve – a personalized baby food dispenser, design: Beata Agnieszka Nikolajczyk-Miniak / from the designer’s archive

New Eve – a personalized baby food dispenser, design: Beata Agnieszka Nikolajczyk-Miniak / from the designer’s archive

New Eve – a personalized baby food dispenser, design: Beata Agnieszka Nikolajczyk-Miniak / from the designer’s archive

Beata Agnieszka Nikolajczyk-Miniak

Graduate of the Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. Since 2012 Beata Agnieszka has been an assistant at the Faculty of Interior Design and Architecture at her alma matter. Enthusiast of sustainable design and activities which promote science, in particular research works. The “Saddle” project, which is the result of her research work in the field of development of children’s motor skills, was awarded the Grand Prix in the Mazda Design 2016 competition. For the “BLOOK” project, which deals with sustainable design, she received the Prize of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. In addition, she is a laureate of competitions: Strzemiński-Projekt, Design 28 project, Yearbook 2012, Wroclove design, Competition for an idea, Fashion for recycling, Wedel Vintage, Studencki Nobel – during the 4th competition she won 3rd place at the regional stage for the Best Student of the Republic of Poland. Her creative output also includes, among others, an invention patent. She regularly co-creates and participates in various open-air events, workshops and artistic events. In her projects she uses the opportunities created by modern technological development. The designer also values product functionality and aesthetics as well as innovation. In her projects she strives to maintain unity and balance between these two values. Creativity, functionality and aesthetics are the components of the projects she creates, but the most important element of each of them is the user for whom she designs. Beata Agnieszka believes that only by knowing the problem from the user’s perspective can one generate a satisfactory solution.