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(Rules of the must have plebiscite of 25.08.2023)



  1. These Rules define the principles and terms and conditions of participation in must have (hereinafter: must have), a project organised as part of the Łódź Design Festival (hereinafter: Festival).

  2. The must have project consists of the must have plebiscite (hereinafter: Plebiscite) and the must have exhibition (hereinafter: Exhibition). 

  3. The organiser of must have is Łódź Art Center, a foundation registered in the Register of Associations, Other Social and Professional Organisations, Foundations, and Public Health Care Institutions, with KRS number 0000246599, with its registered office at ul. Tymienieckiego 3, 90-365 Łódź (hereinafter: Organiser). 

  4. The Controller of personal data is Łódź Art Center with its registered office at ul. Tymienieckiego 3, 90-365 Łódź. 

  5. The data shall be processed for the purposes of organising and carrying out must have, including any necessary activities referred to in the Rules. The data shall be processed on the basis of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), referred to as “GDPR”.
    a) In matters concerning the processing of your personal data you can contact the Data Protection Officer at the e-mail address iod@lodzartcenter.com. Pursuant to Article 6(1) of the GDPR, personal data are lawfully processed only to the extent necessary for participation in must have.
    b) Personal data shall be stored for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes set out in the Rules and for the presentation of products during the 18th edition of the Festival, organised in 2024.
    c) Personal data may be provided to Festival partners only to the extent of cooperation in the provision of services related to the Festival, the Plebiscite, or the Exhibition. Personal data shall not be subject to profiling or transferred outside the EEA.
    d) If you become aware that your personal data are being unlawfully processed, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority responsible for data protection.
    e) You have the following rights in relation to the processing of your personal data:
    right of access to your personal data;
    right to request the rectification (correction) of your personal data;
    right to request the erasure of your personal data;
    right to request the limitation of processing of your personal data;
    right to object to the processing of your data. 

  6. Participation in the Plebiscite shall be free of charge. 

  7. Participation in the Exhibition shall be subject to a fee and individual arrangements with the Organiser. 



  1. General information on the Plebiscite:
    a) The Plebiscite, as organised by the Festival, is a recommendation to consumers and a means of recognising the best companies and designers.
    b) The role of advisory body is held by the Board of Experts, composed of professionals from the design and design industry (designers, architects, curators, media representatives, etc.), invited to cooperate by the Organiser.
    c) Applications for the Plebiscite are accepted both on an individual basis from producers/authorised representatives as well as in the form of product nominations by members of the Board of Experts.
    d) Both single products and product collections can be submitted to the Plebiscite.
    e) The Board of Experts designates, on a subjective basis, the best and most recommendable products reflecting current trends on the Polish market, but also recommends high quality articles that are worth owning.
    f) During the debates of the Board of Experts, approximately 80 products will be selected – they will receive a free must have quality label, which can be used both at home and abroad. The number of products recognised may differ depending on the decision of the Board of Experts.
    g) Award-winning producers have the opportunity to present their products/product collections at a group exhibition held as part of the next edition of the Festival.
    h) Displaying products at the Exhibition shall be subject to a fee, and the terms and conditions of display shall be subject to individual arrangements with the Organiser of the Plebiscite.
    i) The Exhibition is arranged as per the Organiser’s idea, in collaboration with the designer.
    j) The list of products recognised in the different editions of the Plebiscite is available on the Organiser’s website (www.lodzdesign.com). 

  2. The Board of Experts shall evaluate products and product collections of the following categories:
    a) furniture
    b) fashion (clothing, jewelery, accessories)
    c) equipment (lighting, accessories)
    d) construction and accessories
    e) garden
    f) electronics
    g) sports and recreation
    h) children

    i) pets
    j) health and beauty
    k) hobby, entertainment, education
    l) services
    ł) other

  3. The product/product collection nominated by the Board of Experts or submitted by the producer/authorised representative must be prepared in cooperation with a designer or design group. 

  4. The product/product collection shall meet at both of the following criteria:
    a) the product/ product collection is available for regular sale in Poland,
    b) the product/ product collection is designed by a designer having Polish citizenship, and in the case of design teams, at least one of the members must have Polish citizenship. 

  5. An unlimited number of products/product collections from one producer/authorised representative may be submitted for the Plebiscite. 

  6. A producer recognised in the Plebiscite shall receive, free of charge, the right to use the must have mark in accordance with the Identity Manual provided by the Organiser. 

  7. Information on the list of products/ product collections recognised as part of the Plebiscite shall be made public by way of:
    a) communication before and/or during the Festival,
    b) publication on the Organiser’s website (www.lodzdesign.com),
    c) publication on the Organiser’s social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn),
    d) Organiser’s newsletter to the subscribers and journalists. 




  1. Only products/ product collections prepared in cooperation with a designer or design group can be recognised in the Plebiscite

  2. The product/product collection shall also meet both of the following criteria:
    a) the product/ product collection is available for regular sale in Poland,
    b) the product/ product collection is designed by a designer having Polish citizenship, and in the case of design teams, at least one of the members must have Polish citizenship. 

  3. Nominations for the Plebiscite shall be made by:
    a) natural/legal persons, including producers or designers (individual applications),
    b) the Board of Experts. 

  4. Individual applications have to be sent via the form available on the Organiser’s website


  5. Applications are accepted on a year-round basis, subject to the condition that those received by 15.02.2024 will be reviewed by the Board of Experts as part of the 14th Plebiscite in 2024, which, together with the Exhibition, will form part of the Festival in 2024. 


  1. Each of the products/ product collections recognised as part of the Plebiscite, upon agreement with the producer/authorised representative, may be displayed at the collective Exhibition during the Festival. 

  2. Participation in the Exhibition shall be subject to a fee and individual arrangements between the producer/authorised representative and the Organiser. 

  3. The Organiser shall provide space for the display of the recognised product/ product collection in an arranged space in the Festival Centre and the identification of the displayed product/ product collection (description including the name of the product/ product collection, the producer, and the name of the designer/design group).

  4. The Organiser shall announce the Exhibition in the Festival programme (printed and/or electronic version), on the website (www.lodzdesign.com), and on its social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn). 

  5. Any matters concerning participation in the Exhibition shall be governed by a separate agreement with the Organiser. 

  6. Entry to the Exhibition during the Festival shall be free of charge. 



  1. The information on the list of the recognised products/ product collections shall be made public during the Festival and published on the organiser’s website (www.lodzdesign.com), and on the Organiser’s social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn). 

  2. The information on the results of the Plebiscite shall also be sent in a newsletter to the Organiser’s subscribers and the media/Festival’s media patrons. 

  3. The official gala of the Plebiscite shall be held during the 2024 Festival. 



  1. The Organiser shall provide the following promotional benefits to the recognised product/ product collection which is not part of the Exhibition at the Festival in 2024:
    a) the right to use the must have mark in accordance with the Identity Manual provided by the Organiser,
    b) publication of a product/ product collection showcase card (photo, name of the product and producer, name of the designer/design group) on the Organiser’s website (www.lodzdesign.com) after the Festival in 2024,
    c) publication of the Plebiscite recognition list on the Organiser’s website (www.lodzdesign.com),
    d) publication of information on the Plebiscite results on the Organiser’s social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn),
    e) publication of information on the results of the Plebiscite in the newsletter to the subscribers and journalists of the Organiser,
    f) publication of information on the results of the Plebiscite in the newsletter to the media/Festival’s media patrons. 

  2. The Organiser shall provide the following promotional benefits to the recognised product/ product collection which is part of the Exhibition at the Festival in 2024:
    a) a must have statuette designed by Bartek Mejor
    b) the right to use the must have mark in accordance with the Identity Manual provided by the Organiser,
    c) publication of a product/ product collection showcase card (photo, name of the product and producer, name of the designer/design group) on the Organiser’s website (www.lodzdesign.com) before the Festival in 2024,
    d) publication of a product/ product collection showcase card (photo, name of the product and producer, name of the designer/design group) on the Organiser’s social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram),
    e) publication of the Plebiscite recognition list on the Organiser’s website (www.lodzdesign.com),
    f) publication of information on the Plebiscite results on the Organiser’s social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn),
    g) publication of information on the results of the Plebiscite in the newsletter to the subscribers 
    and journalists of the Organiser,
    h) publication of information on the results of the Plebiscite in the newsletter to the media/Festival’s media patrons. 

  3. In addition, the Organiser reserves the right to use materials concerning any recognised products/ product collections for promotional activities related to the Plebiscite and the Festival, in particular:
    a) on the Organiser’s website (www.lodzdesign.com),
    b) in publications in the national and local press and media,
    c) in publications and on the websites of the Plebiscite partners and/or Festival partners,
    d) in publications and on the websites of the media/Festival’s media patrons,
    e) on the Organiser’s social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn),
    f) in Organiser’s newsletters to the subscribers and journalists. 



  1. The producer/authorised representative grants the Organiser a non-exclusive licence to use the submitted product/ product collection documentation (descriptions, photos, etc.) by presenting them 
    during the Festival, as well as other exhibitions, shows, and reviews (which are the Organiser’s productions or collaborations) in venues and at times to be determined by the Organiser. 

  2. The producer/authorised representative hereby consents to the Organiser’s use, during the Exhibition during the Festival, of photographic, film, video, or digitally recorded documentation presenting the submission(s) to the Plebiscite, made by the Organiser or on the Organiser’s commission. 
    In particular (the list that follows shall not exhaustive understood as exhaustive) the Organiser shall have the unlimited right to disseminate and publish the materials or parts thereof in the media, the Internet, books, studies, anthologies, collective works, television broadcasts, films, electronic transmission networks, mobile technologies, in any form.

  3. The producer/authorised representative hereby also consents to the further transfer of the licence for the purposes of any media publishing stories concerning the Festival, the Organiser, the Plebiscite, or the Exhibition to the extent related to the promotional activities of the Organiser or partners of the Festival, the Organiser, the Plebiscite, or the Exhibition. 

  4. The licences described above shall be granted free of charge and without territorial restrictions, for an indefinite period. 

  5. The licences shall be granted for the following fields of use:
    a) marketing at home and abroad,
    b) entering into computer memory and dissemination over computer networks, 
    in particular on the Internet, in any technical form,
    c) using in whole or in part for promotional and advertising purposes in the form of leaflets, postcards, catalogues, programmes, invitations, posters, billboards, citylights, CDs, DVDs, videos,
    d) using in any form in the media.



  1. These Rules shall constitute the exclusive basis governing the Plebiscite, and shall at the same time be the only document setting out the terms and conditions of the Plebiscite. 

  2. The Organiser shall not be liable for any disputes arising as a result of third persons’ fault. 

  3. The Organiser reserves the right to withdraw any awarded recognition and to revoke permission to use the must have quality mark if the Board of Experts decides by a majority vote that the recognised product no longer meets the Plebiscite standards. 

  4. The Organiser reserves the right to change the Rules of the Plebiscite and to discontinue the Plebiscite at any time, without stating any reason thereto, which shall be announced on the Organiser’s website (www.lodzdesign.com).