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must have

must have is a plebiscite organized since 2011 by the Łódź Design Festival, distinguishing the best implementations from Polish designers and manufacturers. It’s a free quality mark that companies can use in the country and abroad. It was created to popularize good design and thus promote domestic business and designers. must have is also a unique consumer recommendation and the most media event in Polish design.

The aim of must have is to support the creative sector through the extensive promotion of products that are the result of cooperation between the manufacturer and the designer. Applications for the plebiscite are accepted free of charge via the form in the “Participate” tab. Own nominations, based on a market review, are also made by the Board of Experts, whose main task is the final assessment of all applications. In the 14-year history of the plebiscite, 970 products were awarded.


_participation in the plebiscite is:

  • free, indefinite and territorially unlimited license to use the must have quality mark, recognizable among Polish and foreign consumers,

  • limited must have statuette designed by Bartek Mejor, a leading Polish ceramics designer, produced by Porcelana Krzysztof,

  • the opportunity to participate in the exhibition accompanying the Łódź Design Festival,

  • promotional activities – cyclical presentation of the awarded products, companies and designers, carried out in the form of various posts in ŁDF channels (FB ~ 58.4 thousand followers, IG ~ 15.4 thousand followers), permanent columns in the press and on the Internet, and other forms of year-round cooperation with the most important industry media,

  • B2B activities – presentations of products and brands during industry meetings for architects, designers and investors,

  • a website dedicated to the plebiscite, where the awarded products, producers and designers are presented,

  • strengthening the brand image among industry experts (architects, designers, journalists and influencers operating in the field of design),

  • increase in product recognition and support in reaching end customers with the offer.

Recruitment for the 14th edition of the must have plebiscite has ended! We will soon start recruiting for the edition, carried out as part of the Łódź Design Festival 2025 program.

In order for a product (collection of products) to be considered in the plebiscite, it must meet two conditions: the manufacturer or designer/design group must come from Poland, and the submitted products must be available for regular sale. An additional advantage will be the submission of products (or collections of products) that particularly meet the contemporary needs of consumers – they are socially sensitive, created with care for resources and do not create waste, care for health or are ideal for the home office.