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Milk Shelving System

DESIGN: Katarzyna Załuska and Michał Załuski



must have 2020


The Mleko Shelving System is a modern solution for display and storage. The system consists of separate elements that, when screwed together, create a homogeneous structure. Two types of shelves are available: wooden and steel with a raised edge. You can choose from three leg lengths to create any configurations. It assembles without tools and can be modified at any time: by changing the order of shelves or adding new ones.


The product is distinguished by an infinite number of available configurations, universal applications, the possibility of modification during use (which extends the usefulness of the furniture), easy assembly without the use of tools, attention to ecology (elements packed flat, ecological materials: natural wood and recyclable steel), timeless design, as well as quality of workmanship and high shelf load capacity.