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Urban instrument

DESIGN: Jan Pfeifer



make me! 2016

Main praize make me! Paradyż Award in amount of 20.000 PLN.


The project presents an original musical instrument that is a revitalization of railings in city parks. My goal was to create a place for meetings, games, audial experiences and dialogue between people dedicated to music, which is increasingly received in a passive way. The proposal for an urban instrument is to encourage people to interact and make music together.


The project is the result of observing children in Bródnowski Park – as they walk along the platform, they hit the rungs of the railing with sticks, which produce random sounds.

Urban instrument, design: Jan Pfeifer / from designer’s archive

Urban instrument, design: Jan Pfeifer / from designer’s archive

Urban instrument, design: Jan Pfeifer / from designer’s archive