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Overlapping Alphabet Cards

DESIGN: Hyojung Ryu

South Korea


make me! 2016


This set of cards is the first project by design studio HR. it is designed for kids and focused on the joyful learning. ‘WHO AM I?’ is separated 3 card sets (9 words / each set). Each word contains a paper card with a letter and hints to guess the word, and a film card with illustration regarding to the part of the word. When the illustration overlap the letter, it makes the different animals. The set of overlapping alphabet cards encourages children to develop communication skills through the relationship with parents or friends, and also improve faculty of observation and imagination in the process of guessing and finding answer.

Overlapping Alphabet Cards, design: Hyojung Ryu / from designer’s archive

Overlapping Alphabet Cards, design: Hyojung Ryu / from designer’s archive

Overlapping Alphabet Cards, design: Hyojung Ryu / from designer’s archive