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VOLA_art of deco

DESIGN: Marcin Młoczkowski



make me! 2015


VOLA_art of deco, as a brand, has been in business a little over half a year. The first collection consists of 10 elements decorated with gold in 4 different patterns (2 delicate and 2 full). It consists of vases, glasses, cups with saucers, and plates. Products are interesting not only due to the unusual decoration, but also by the ability to freely mix patterns with each other. An additional advantage is refined packaging and all the details associated with the product itself. The project was commissioned by a small company with big ambitions that its 20 years of experience in the field of decorative glass and porcelain would like to translate into its own brand, at the same time wanting to show that nowadays it is possible to create a high quality product, with an unique and timeless design, additionally being a completely Polish product. For me as an architect, being a designer was and still is a huge challenge, but also the fulfillment of certain dreams. The creation of the VOLA brand shows that it is possible to create a product with high aesthetics, able to compete with the biggest market players. It doesn’t have a recognizable name or long history, but in times of optimization and disappearance of certain values to create a product with a good and unusual design, backed by years of experience can fill a niche in the market. The intention was to create a product that fits both the classical and modern interiors – modest in form and color, rich in decoration, in line with trends, in opposition to the ubiquitous minimalism, more in the fusion style, decorative, not devoid of traits. Positioned between classic craftsmanship and mass production (short series).

VOLA_art of deco, design: Marcin Młoczkowski / from the designer’s archive

VOLA_art of deco, design: Marcin Młoczkowski / from the designer’s archive

VOLA_art of deco, design: Marcin Młoczkowski / from the designer’s archive

VOLA_art of deco, design: Marcin Młoczkowski / from the designer’s archive

Marcin Młoczkowski

Graduated Technical University of Lodz, he’s an architect who, after 10 years of work he decided to fulfill his dream and realize himselves as a designer.