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3D Printed Hybrid Lower Limb Orthoses

DESIGN: Agnieszka Barańska, Daniel Czyszczoń, Mateusz Kruk, Aleksandra Kwaśniewska, Marcin Rusek, Małgorzata Serafin 



must have 2024


Ortheo 3D is an innovative medical project that aims to create modern, 33comfortable, desirable lower limb orthoses for the youngest patients. The orthoses are created through a proprietary process of taking measurements and 3D scans of the patient. Compared to traditional orthoses, Ortheo3D products are characterized by high ergonomics and wearing comfort, low weight, high breathability, and the possibility of personalizing products, dedicated to kids and teenagers. Our products has gone from a medical device to a piece of clothing, contributing to less exclusion for our patients.