DESIGN: Bruno Szejk
make me! 2018
Fire accompanies Polish ceremonies in honor of the dead since the dawn of time. Unfortunately, the ephemeral phenomenon, which originally served as a tool for direct communication, has now been encapsulated in the form of a candle – object with a low status and an extremely unbalanced life cycle. In response to this problem, eo – a ceramic reusable candle was created. The fire is ignited only for the time of a short “conversation”, after which the fuel (hexamine flake) burns almost without a trace. This elusive gesture makes it possible to establish closer contact both with the deceased and with the person standing nearby: you can share the warmth of the vessel by passing it from hand to hand. This way, as in ancient rituals, eo supports rather the affirmation of life than the celebration of death. The project was consulted in the Studio of Work Tools and Environment Design at Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław

eo, design: Bruno Szejk / from the designer’s archive

eo, design: Bruno Szejk / from the designer’s archive

eo, design: Bruno Szejk / from the designer’s archive
Bruno Szejk
Studied industrial design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. On a daily basis, he moves in the field of humanistic design, and in his free time he deals with visual communication. Author of large and small acts of applied graphics (i.a. an exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Wrocław), winner of the Project Stone 2016 competition. An enthusiast of coffee, difficult music and everything that is human.