In 2021, the lockdown period ended only in the first half of May, so the spring edition of ŁDF was still held in a pandemic, hybrid version, in which presentations were prepared in glazed exhibition pavilions, and events were organized online. In September, an additional, special edition of the festival was organized, which returned to the well-known spaces of the Festival Center in Art_Inkubator at 3 Tymienieckiego Str.
The author of the visual identification of the 16th ŁDF: Katarzyna Ludwisiak.
The Festival exhibitions included e.g.:
“Follow the object”, organizer: Design department Academy of Art in Szczecin
“The ABCs of Polish Design”, curator: Ewa Solarz
“INFLATALES. Stories of steel” Oskar Zięta
„Household items. Things in a person’s life”, curator: Aleksandra Koperda
“Mesydż”, artist: Dawid Furkot

Follow the Object / ph. Oświecony

Follow the Object / ph. Aleksandra Pawłowska

Follow the Object / ph. Aleksandra Pawłowska

Mesydż / ph. Aleksandra Pawłowska

The ABCs of Polish Design / ph. Oświecony

The ABCs of Polish Design / ph. Oświecony

INFLATALES. Stories of steel / ph. Aleksandra Pawłowska

INFLATALES. Stories of steel, curatorial tour / ph. Aleksandra Pawłowska
_events and guests
During 15th ŁDF took place e.g.:
#BETER designing: “Perfect apartment for new times” – conference and presentation of the study “Quality of life in a pandemic” carried out in cooperation with Biuro Badań Społecznych Question Mark
“I see you my man – wisdom good at any age. ABOUT THE ART OF DESIGN BETTER” – an architectural radio play prepared in cooperation with Archizo
Edukreacja: “Ceramic travels around the world”, “The ideal city” – ŁDF workshops at the Intergenerational Picnic of the Łódź of Four Cultures Festival in the Survivors Park
The organization of the 15th Łodź Design Festival was possible thanks to the support of Łódzkie Centrum Wydarzeń and City of Łódź. ŁDF was co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Found. The media patronage over the event was taken by: Architektura-murator, M jak Mieszkanie, Dobre Wnętrze, Urzadzamy.pl, Czas na Wnętrze, BIZNES meble.pl, MAGAZIF, Homebook, WhiteMAD, Contemporary Lynx, Label, Radio Eska, Going. Among the sponsors were Interprint and Porta Drzwi, and partners were: Ceramika Paradyż, Mazda, Agnella, Manufaktura, University of Lodz, Fabryka Sztuki, PURO Hotels Łódź, Centrum Dialogu, Lodz of Four Cultures Festiwal.