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Alone eating stand

DESIGN: Zuzanna Telka 



make me! 2023


The project focuses on the culinary rapture we can experience in solitude. Meals eaten alone are very often eaten in a hurry, accompanied by distractions, but the one eaten at the “Alone eating stand” is meant to be maximally engaging, free of stress and discomfort. Mindful eating, which the project encourages, is a method involving full attention to the foods we eat. In addition, the work is intended to show that eating alone need not be an unpleasant necessity, but a valuable, intimate experience, involving all the senses. 


The impetus for the project was the observation that when eating alone we do everything we can not to focus on the meal itself, but deliberately occupy our heads with other things (social media, TV series) because we feel uncomfortable. “The Stand” has just enough space to comfortably consume a specially planned meal, and its elements are designed to stimulate all our senses. 

Alone eating stand, design: Zuzanna Telka / from designer’s archive

Alone eating stand, design: Zuzanna Telka / from designer’s archive

Alone eating stand, design: Zuzanna Telka / from designer’s archive

Alone eating stand, design: Zuzanna Telka / from designer’s archive

Zuzanna Telka

A graduate of the Faculty of Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, she is a professional designer at Studio Rygalik.

“I don’t feel that through design I should attempt to save the world. I carefully observe the reality around me and try to catch the minor inconveniences of everyday life, interfere with them with my art and alleviate the discomfort associated with them.”