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Dark Side of the Coal

DESIGN: Michalina Jasińska, Łukasz Lisowski



make me! 2018


Dark Side of the Coal is a project in the area of critical design, which by unconventional treatment of hard coal (as a material, not fuel), allows to question the status quo. A series of objects created to be presented as part of the exhibition aims to familiarize the wider audience with issues related to the burning of coal. We believe that the questionable functionality of the designed objects is the key to sparking a reflection, as well as the beginning of the discussion on the responsibility of a designer and the role of an individual in contributing to the suppression of climate change.

Dark Side of Coal, design: Michalina Jasińska, Łukasz Lisowski / from the designer’s archive

Dark Side of Coal, design: Michalina Jasińska, Łukasz Lisowski / from the designer’s archive

Dark Side of Coal, design: Michalina Jasińska, Łukasz Lisowski / from the designer’s archive

Michalina Jasińska

Born 1991. A philosopher by education, she has just completed her studies at the Poznań School of Form. For several years, professionally associated with concrete. In the team, she is called a work titan who is not afraid of any challenges. In design, she likes to transfer ideas from a piece of paper to the material world. She often has stained hands, because in free time she does calligraphy.

Łukasz Lisowski

Born 1984. A graduate of the Poznań School of Form. He studied musicology and cultural studies at UAM. Professionally associated with metal and wood, he combines design with craft skills. He feels best in his workshop, working directly on the implementation of a project. He spends his free time in a forest or listening to music.