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Edki. Therapautic crayons

DESIGN: Aleksandra Satława 



make me! 2023


“Edki” are therapeutic crayons created for children with upper limb spasticity.  Spastic hand is characterized by e.g. flexed and clenched fingers and a drooping wrist. That makes it impossible to use traditional writing tools. The project, apart from therapeutic functions, allows the youngest with hand paresis to perform simple art activities that are the basis for the harmonious development of the child. The characteristic shape of the crayon allows to hold it in several ways.  Drawing with a crayon inserted between the fingers, mobilize the hand to extend and open.  The indentation allows to learn the writing grip and supports the fingers in the right position.  In turn, a crayon rolled in the hands or on paper stimulates deep feeling.  Two-color pencils encourage wrist rotation.  The project is open source idea.  Parents, volunteers and therapists together with children can make crayons by themselves, following the attached instructions. This makes the idea cheap and accessible. 

Edki. Therapautic crayons, design: Aleksandra Satława / from designer’s archive

Edki. Therapautic crayons, design: Aleksandra Satława / from designer’s archive

Edki. Therapautic crayons, design: Aleksandra Satława / from designer’s archive

Edki. Therapautic crayons, design: Aleksandra Satława / from designer’s archive

Aleksandra Satława

Designer and lecturer at the Institute of Art and Design at the Pedagogical University of Krakow. She teaches the basics of universal design and the accessibility laboratory. She cooperates with Children’s University and ZHUA – Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics in China.

She studied at the Faculty of Industrial Design of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow and at the Academy of Art and Design in Bratislava. In 2022, she completed her doctorate, the subject of which was related to designing for children. Designing solutions for the youngest gives her the greatest satisfaction. She participated in the creation of social innovations at the Regional Center for Social Policy in Krakow. Her projects were awarded the must have award, were in the make me finals and were shown in exhibitions, among others in Warsaw, Helsinki, Bratislava, Prague and Copenhagen.