Life Chariot
DESIGN: Piotr Tłuszcz
make me! 2023
2nd place make me! Design Award [ex aequo] and a cash prize of PLN 10.000
A MEDEVAC-type vehicle for the evacuation of wounded from the battlefield. It consists of a Da Orffo off-road trailer with suspension designed for difficult terrain and a top evacuation module for carrying the wounded on a stretcher under the care of rescuers. The project is a response to the Russian aggression in 2022 and stems from the widespread use of civilian off-road vehicles by Ukrainian troops for equipment transport as well as medical evacuation. The trailer’s low weight and high cushioning create an innovative solution that allows any hook-equipped vehicle to transport the wounded, regardless of its current loading. The concept was consulted by rescuers and battlefield medics. Two vehicles were produced and delivered for a Ukrainian military unit and a Polish rescue team. Thanks to feedback, both trailers were equipped with weatherproof plating. The project was made possible thanks to the funders.

Life Chariot, design: Piotr Tłuszcz / from designer’s archive

Life Chariot, design: Piotr Tłuszcz / from designer’s archive

Life Chariot, design: Piotr Tłuszcz / from designer’s archive

Life Chariot, design: Piotr Tłuszcz / from designer’s archive
Piotr Tłuszcz
Designer of design and visual identity systems from Krakow. Co-founder of Da Orffo Automotive. Since 2012, he has been developing a pioneering brand of specialist off-road trailers together with his father. Master’s degree in Industrial Forms from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. Studied Visual Identification in Split. Specialises in 3D conceptual design using virtual reality tools. He enjoys taking on organisational and teaching challenges. He is inspired by skateboarding and the culture of the Balkan countries. Licensed snowboard instructor. Emphasises human relations and co-operation as a key to project development.