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LOONO – Tactile Didactic Tool

DESIGN: Zlatomira Cirhanova

Czech Republic


make me! 2018


Tactile didactic tool is primarily intended for children with combined hearing and vision loss-Deafblindness, but is intended not only for multiple-handicapped children. The haptic device is focused on the development of tactile perception, acting at the same time as a relaxing object and an educational tool. The principle of the game is similar to pairs, based on perception of different and similar vibrations: deafblind children or other users put together two parts of a ,,pebble‘‘ with the same vibration. Functional and technical solution is transformed into tactile – rhythmic – educational game.Most deafblind people will not have access to such technology in their lifetime. This piece of work is worth supporting and attention because it is aimed at handicapped children and offers considerable social potential. This tool is unique globally.

LOONO – Tactile Didactic Tool, design: Zlatomira Cirhanova / from thedesigner’s archive

LOONO – Tactile Didactic Tool, design: Zlatomira Cirhanova / from thedesigner’s archive

LOONO – Tactile Didactic Tool, design: Zlatomira Cirhanova / from thedesigner’s archive

Zlatomira Cirhanova

Zlatomira was born in Prague, Czech Republic. She studied at the Czech Technical Universtiy in Prague and received her Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Design, focusing on industrial, product and graphic design. After graduating, she moved to Switzerland where she lives and works while looking for new opportunities in the field of her expertise. Recently she has been working on the Loono project and travelling across Europe on a motorbike.