Virtual walk through the Polish Job 2.0 exhibition
Polish Job 2.0 is a comprehensive exhibition of Polish design presented during Dutch Design Week (October 19-27) – the largest Dutch festival dedicated to the art of design. The exhibition can be viewed both on-site and online as an interactive virtual tour.
Polish design review
Polish Job 2.0 is a cross-sectional exhibition representing the Polish design brand, its characteristics and uniqueness, prepared by Łódź Design Festival. The presentation is an opportunity to analyse the contemporary Polish market, review the most interesting products and an attempt at capturing the criteria identifying brand consistency. During the first edition of Polish Job at Milan Design Week in 2014, three interrelated themes of Polish design were presented: locality, nostalgia and innovation. The current perspective shows that Polish design, apart from drawing on regional motifs and resources, reworking retro designs, or experimenting with new solutions, is also defined by responsibility and resourcefulness.

[Funding value: PLN 250,000.00. Total cost of the task: PLN 312,500.00]