
DESIGN: Justyna Karamuz



must have 2019


Slowpresso is a brand new Polish device which enables brewing ground coffee in a simple way. No need for electricity, zero waste from used capsules, and no coffee grounds left in a cup. On top of that Slowpresso takes up no more space than an ordinary mug, and thanks to it you can brew your coffee at home, at work, in a tent or at a picnic.

Coffee made in Slowpresso is thick and dense, which is why you can drink it as a single shot, or use it as a base for any type of coffee, be it milk coffee, or black. Carefully chosen proportion and the shape of the dripper are responsible for the thickness and the flavour of the coffee. They are a joint effort of Stefan and Justyna Karamuz, a father and a daughter who came up with the idea and prepared this project.

Slowpresso consists of three ceramic pieces: a dripper, a pot, and a lid which will fit easily in any kitchen cabinet. The set is accompanied by paper filters.

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