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Pillar Cabinet I Square Drop, Pillar Cabinet II Square Drop

DESIGN: Agnieszka Śniadewicz-Świca, Square Drop

THE MANUFACTURER’S NAME: Square Drop Sp. z o. o.


must have 2024


Pillar cabinet made of oak wood, stained in shades of blue and black. It functions as both a pedestal and a cabinet, that’s hidden inside the furniture. It has a thin, delicate, almost invisible door handle, that does not disturb the minimalist form of the furniture and also hiding the cabinet inside, referring to antique furniture. It is completely devoid of ornaments, so that the only decoration is the freely flowing stain. 


The furniture combines the features of Biedermeier and Empire styles with modern design. It refers to classic solutions, but thanks to the synthesis of the forms of antique furniture, they acquired a raw craftsmanship character, manifested in wooden construction elements.