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18. Łódź Design Festival

We now live in a constant search for satisfaction and well-being, and accelerating changes presents us with new challenges. During the upcoming edition of the Festival, we will discover how comfort permeates far beyond traditional physical comforts, embracing subtle elements such as harmony, peace of mind and individual user’s needs. We will show that a properly designed environment not only promotes well-being, but also reflects our unique identity and desired lifestyle. Thus, at the festival we will touch upon such topics as, for example, the impact of nature on our health, ways of shaping the space of contemporary cities or the cultural and social sense of consumption – this is how Michał Piernikowski, director of the Festival, announced the 18th edition of the Łódź Design Festival.

The author of the visual identification of the 18th ŁDF: Katarzyna Ludwisiak.



The Festival exhibitions included e.g.:

  • “Till the trunks keep growing”, curators: Katarzyna Ludwisiak, Michał Piernikowski 

  • “Zieta Illustrated”, curator: Zieta Studio

  • “MEETINGS – 10 years of Pawlak&Stawarsk Studio”, curators: Bartłomiej Pawlak, Łukasz

  • “MONO_WORLD”, curator: Katarzyna Ludwisiak

  • “OFFline from time to time”, curator: Kinga Offert

  • “UN_PEACE”, curators: Michał Piernikowski, Robert Kowalczyk

  • “TYPE TEXT | LDZ”, curator: Agnieszka Ziemiszewska

  • “Design in Public Space URBAN FARMING”, curator: Anna Jach-Falkiewicz (Zamek Cieszyn)

  • “NeuroDiver – Comfort Space LAB. Educational and experimental space”, curator: Dominika Zawojska-Kuriata

  • “IMAGINE Łódź…”, curators: Kosmos Project (Ewa Bochen, Maciej Jelski)

  • “What’s cooking in Łódź? Dictionary of Łódź-specific slang”, curators: Adriana Usarek, Michał Piernikowski (Re:Medium Gallery)

  • “The Phenomenon of The Polish Kilim”, curator: Monika Kowalczyk (Central Museum of Textiles in Łódź)

Till the trunks keep growing / ph. HaWa

ZIETA ILLUSTRATED / ph. Marta Strzelczyk

MONO_WORLD / PH. Marta Strzelczyk

MEETINGS – 10 years of Pawlak&StawarskI Studio / ph. HaWa

OFFline from time to time / ph. HaWa

Golden Cubes Awards – post-competition exhibition How to use architecture? / ph.. Marta Strzelczyk

Touching the City / ph. HaWa

What’s cooking in Łódź? Dictionary of Łódź-specific slang / ph. HaWa

_make me! 


For the 17th edition of the international make me! in 2024, 156 applications were received, including: from Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Greece, Latvia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Spain and Greece. For the final, the jury composed of: Joanna Krokosz, Tomek Rygalik, Kaja Werbanowska, Kasia Kabo and Tomek Pydo, Michał Piernikowski, selected 28 projects. The finalists fought for a total prize pool of PLN 50,000 from Łódź Design Festival and Interprint. Post-competition exhibition “make me! 2024 – Innovation Lab”, designed by Katarzyna Ludwisiak, was presented at the Festival Center in Art_Inkubator at the Fabryka Sztuki in Łódź.


The winner were:

  • I make me! Design Award in amount of 15  000 PLN: NEW GRID Jacobo Cuesta Wolf (Germany)

  • II ex aequo make me! Design Award, both in amount of 10 000 PLN: 

    – Designed to die – Janek Beau (Germany)

    New methods of shaping sheet steel using a furniture series as an example – Piotr Pryk (Poland)

  • III make me! Design Award in amount of 5 000 PLN: Weave Staś Stupkiewicz (Poland)
  • make me award! Interprint Award in the amount of 10 000 PLN: Sea-friendly beach accessories – Maja Góralczyk (Poland)

  • Special award from ELLE Decoration Poland (publication in the latest issue of ELLE Decoration Poland and an internship at Swallow’s Tail Furniture): Switch Concept – Dominik Syska (Poland)

_must have 


Over 400 products were submitted to the 14th edition of the plebiscite in 2024, and the Expert Council consisted of: Kamil Białas, Agnieszka Gruszczyńska-Hyc, Anna Grużewska, Jola Skóra, Anna Olga Chmielewska, Katarzyna Księżopolska, Maria Ostrowska, Monika Pągowska, Tomasz Pągowski , Michał Piernikowski, Hanna Rydlewska, Anna Żmijewska, distinguished 81 of them with the must have quality mark. The awarded products included: avant-garde mirrors, modular furniture, audiophile equipment, but also publications and applications. The exhibition presenting the selected finalists of the plebiscite, designed by Katarzyna Ludwisiak, took place at the Festival Center in Art_Inkubator at the Fabryka Sztuki in Łódź.

_events and guests


During 18th ŁDF took place e.g.:

  • “Sustainable inclusive space”, organizer: PLGB – Polskie Stowarzyszenie Budownictwa Ekologicznego

  • Block: Architecture of health, guests: Ewa Trzcionka, Aleksandra Kulińska, Mateusz Bielesz, Robert Konieczny, Maciej Franta, host: Agnieszka Gruszczyńska-Hyc

  • Movie prapremiere “Odnowa architektury”, dir. Ewa Trzcionka

  • Premiere screening of documentary “MONOBLOC”, dir. Hauke Wendler

  • Presentations and panel discussion “Archiblok”, host: Filip Springer, guests: Natalia Olszewska, Agata Szydłowska, Paweł Grobelny, Kasper Jakubowski, Jan Mencwel

  • Mapa Drzew Łódź: City – Action – Łazęga, host: Małgorzata Godlewska

  • Workshops “We are building an accessible city – architecture and design workshops”, host: Magdalena Strożenko-Polak, Blanka Przepełska

  • Workshops “Nostalgic Glaze”, host: dr hab. Anna Kmita

  • Workshops with a concept “Future Cones”, hosts: Kolektyw BIG HAT POLAND (Konstancja Tanjga, Patrycja Milewczyk, Karolina Tracz)

  • Workshops “COMFORT IN SITTING. It depends on the seating point, i.e. a workshop on designing comfort at work at a desk using Design Thinking.” and “DESIGN OF PUBLIC SPACE FOR SOCIAL COMFORT – a workshop for designing innovative solutions conducted using the Design Thinking methodology”, host: DT HUB – Centrum Projektowania Innowacyjnych Rozwiązań (Sylwia Wrona, Anna Wojciechowska, Kornelia Bemben)

Wicker streamer / ph. Marta Strzelczyk

Archiblok / ph. HaWa

Musical return to comfort zone – chill & party by Kubota / ph. HaWa

Block: Architecture of health / ph. HaWa

Mapa Drzew Łódź: City – Action – Łazęga / ph. Marta Strzelczyk

TYPE TEXT | LDZ / ph. HaWa

Sustainable inclusive space / ph. Marta Strzelczyk

We are building an accessible city / ph. Marta Strzelczyk



The organization of the 16th Łodź Design Festival was possible thanks to the support of Łódzkie Centrum Wydarzeń and City of Łódź. The partners were: Art_Inkubator w Fabryce Sztuki, Centralne Muzuem Włókiennictwa w Łodzi, ECHO Investment, Interprint, Kubota, Miejska Galeria Sztuki w Łodzi, PLGBC Polskie Stowarzyszenie Budownictwa Ekologicznego, Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych w Warszawie, Puto Hotels and World Design Weeks. The media patronage over the event was taken by: Architektura&Biznes, Architektura-murator, Biznes meble.pl, Czas na Wnętrze, Elle Decoration, Instytut Adama Mickiewicza, MAGAZIF, Pismo. Magazyn Opinii, Urządzamy.pl, Vogue Polska and White MAD.