Re-Hemptation. Reinventing Hemp for a Sustainable Future.

Date: 18/05/2023 17:30 – 21:00 19/05/202321/05/2023 10:00 – 20:00 22/05/202325/05/2023 10:00 – 18:00 26/05/202328/05/2023 10:00 – 20:00

Address: Festival Center (Art_Inkubator) View on map

Set direction


Zone: Building C, Level 2


Curator: Jadwiga Husarska-Sobina 


The project team: Robert Kowalczyk, Adriana Cież, Paulina Zdybał, Agnieszka Bujas, Beata Weber 


A groundbreaking exhibition revealing the potential of hemp, flax, and other fibrous plants as eco-friendly alternatives to traditional materials. The exhibition presents The True Green and Husarska Design technologies, enabling the use of these plants in furniture production and other sectors, including food and nutraceuticals, by companies such as GreenLanes. They are the ideal raw materials for a sustainable and circular future, providing food, clothing, and shelter. 


The exhibition explores the advantages of the Polish hemp variety Białobrzeskie, studied by IWNiRZ, and innovative materials such as “Hemp Board”, which replaces solid wood in furniture production. The first furniture pieces made of this material were designed by Husarska. 


“Re-Hemptation” aims to inspire further exploration and development of innovations based on an ecological approach, changing the perception of hemp and supporting the growth of sustainable solutions for our planet. 

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