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Date: 21/05/2024 12:00 – 21:00 22/05/202426/05/2024 10:00 – 21:00

Address: Festival Center (Art_Inkubator) View on map


Zone: Yard in front of Festival Center


Curator: Kamil Białas


COLOUR is everywhere. It surrounds us, creates reality, creates rituals, conveys information, carries symbols and hidden meanings.


For the painter it is a tool, for the literary man a symbol, for the film-maker a carrier of information, for the driver a signal, for the believer a ritual, for the sailor a direction, for the physicist a wave. The examples can be multiplied almost endlessly.  


The definition of colour is hard to explain. Both  COLOUR and its definition, change depending on the observer, his sensory skills and the point or moment of observation. 


So what is COLOUR? In the latest issue of whiteMAD, we asked representatives from the worlds of architecture, design, art and photography to define COLOUR. How did they try to explain the meaning of the word? Read in the 22nd issue of whiteMAD magazine.  


In the whiteMAD pavilion, we tried to illustrate the infinite possibilities of COLOUR together with Polish brands!