“Halo! Tu dźwięk!” [Hello! Sound speaking] book

DESIGN: Studio Ładne Halo

THE MANUFACTURER’S NAME: Fundacja Learn How To Sound


must have 2021


The year 2020 was called the International Year of Sound, following the International Commission for Acoustics’ initiative. The celebration concept was to disseminate the knowledge of good practices related to sound, which we all can and should implement – according to the WHO, noise is the second largest environmental pollutant. Nobody expected that 2020 would turn out the quietest year in many parts of the world for a long time. Many of the scheduled conferences, lectures and publications had to be cancelled or postponed. But a children’s book entitled “Halo! Tu dźwięk!” [Hello! Sound speaking] and “Halodźwięki” [Hellosounds] were brought out.


What is it?

  • “Halo! Tu dźwięk!” [Hello! Sound speaking] is a book for children aged 9+, which explains the sound phenomenon in a broader context through a mixture of stories, interesting facts, illustrations, ideas for experiments, creative tasks, and references to interesting online materials. While sharing knowledge, we ask many questions.

  • “Halodźwięki” [Hellosounds] are interactive sound and music experiments in the form of an online game. How does a recording studio work? How do rooms affect what we hear? What does it take to make any music hit? The game helps to gain knowledge and see how it all works in practice.


Both projects result from cooperation bringing together education, science and art. The cooperation of the Learn How To Sound Foundation and Ładne Halo Studio was supported by the Minister of Culture, National Heritage and Sport as part of the “Muzyczny Ślad” [Musical Trace] programme (the book) and the National Center for Culture under the “Kultura w sieci” [Culture Online] programme (the game). They can be well used for home and remote schooling.

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