Gender Bias in Design & Innovation: press “RESET”
Date: 23/05/2024 10:00 – 13:00
Zone: Building A, Hall 120
Participants: 30 people.
Registration. Free admission. Registration for the workshops will open on April 30.
For whom the workshops are dedicated? Workshop specifically directed to product / service / graphic / information / space designers and students in design. A passive command of English is required.
The workshop is delivered as part of the EU-funded RESET project, involving 7 innovation-centred organizations, of which 3 (Bochum, Lodz and Oulu universities) are based in post-industrial cities. The project aims at identifying gender and intersecting bias in innovation design. Based on empirical evidence, RESET shows that gender segregation in educational and occupational areas, as well as gender bias in assessing the needs of individuals and communities or the lack of awareness on gender-related differences in terms of users’ experience, behavioural, mobility or occupational patterns, lead to gender blind product and service design. Based on the co-design principles of the New European Bauhaus, the workshop will comprise of an introduction to gender bias in product and service design (Step 1) followed by a discussion with guest designers to challenge such bias (Step 2) and a participatory session for participants to adopt a gender inclusive approach to the design process (Step 3).
*the workshop only in English

Workshops host:
Maxime Forest. PhD is a senior lecturer and researcher at Sciences Po Paris University (Gender studies programme & Urban School). For 12 years, he has also been working as a design consultant at Yellow Window, an Antwerp-based product and service design agency. He regularly facilitates workshops on the gender dimension in innovation (from engineering to urban planning) for both private and public innovation-driven companies and research bodies. In 2016, he co-founded “Kolektiv Cité Radieuse” at Le Corbusier’s Unité d’Habitation in Marseille, a curatorial group devoted to design scenes from Central and Eastern Europe, which runs a programme of residencies and exhibitions throughout the year.