make me!
The international make me! competition is one of the most innovative design events in Europe and a key part of the Łódź Design Festival. The most important goal of make me! is to forecast upcoming trends and support young designers (aged 20-35) who are ready to enter the industry.
The finalists of past editions emphasize the opportunities that have opened up for them through their presence in the competition, including: becoming known in the design community, promotion through numerous publications or subsequent exhibitions.
The exhibition accompanying the competition with the final projects will be on display during the 19th Łódź Design Festival – May 20-25, 2025.
OPEN CALL till: 01.04.2025 r.

The competition is not only aimed at people who have completed industry studies. It is designed for anyone who is inspired by the creative process of identifying and solving a need or problem. make me! also recognizes projects that experiment with materials or explore new interpretations of existing functions.
Submitted works are evaluated in a two-stage process by a specially selected, diverse jury. Thanks to the public exhibition of the projects and contact with industry experts, make me! can be a springboard for further professional development.

Recruitment for make me! 2025 and will end on April 1 at 23:59 (UTC+02.00).
Łódź Design Festival is looking for make me! innovative ideas and projects that have a chance to bring a good change! make me! is a competition open to designers of the young generation, allowing for great creative freedom. Dedicated to all those who are inspired by the impulse caused by noticing a need or a problem to the design process.
Who will judge the works of young designers?
nie_koniec / un_end – announce the theme of the 19. ŁDF
Apply and present during ŁDF2025
Whose designs won the make me! 2024?
24:4 for Poland
Open call to make me! 2024
The winners of the make me! 2023 competition
make me! 2023 – Innovation Lab