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Date: 21/05/2024 12:00 – 21:00 22/05/202426/05/2024 10:00 – 21:00

Address: Festival Center (Art_Inkubator) View on map


Zone: Building B, level 1


Curators: Michał Piernikowski, Robert Kowalczyk 


Technological development and armed conflict seem to be intertwined. The process of improving offensive weapons is accompanied by a constant race in the development of defensive means. An unprecedented scale of innovation in the ways of designing and producing new products also accompanies us in times of war. 


The UN_PEACE exhibition is a reflection on the paradox of contemporary technological improvements, which in times of peace lead to an increase in comfort, a sense of security and peace, but in times of conflict they lead to increased fears and a ubiquitous sense of uncertainty. 


Ulrich Beck, a German sociologist, notes that modern technologies are bringing us into an era of uncertainty and constant risk.  


The aim of the presentation is to encourage viewers to reflect on our interdependence on technology, on the ways in which innovations are changing the face of conflict, and on our individual and collective sense of security.