DESIGN: Aliona Kryshtofik
make me! 2020
Myceramicproject started with the theory that the shapes around us affect our senses at every moment. Through my projects, I focus on the touch, using different shapes, colours and textures. My former work with the visually impaired helped me to understand how the position of our hands shapes objects. Coffee rituals have inspired me. Working with the local café, based on my experiments with touching, I designed five shapes of coffee mugs. Each shape refers to the feeling a person can experience while drinking a specific drink: smooth lines for coffee with milk, sharp for strong coffee. Myceramicproject is a collection of organoleptic coffee mugs which serve for preparing drinks of various character. The essence of form is emphasized by handle-free design, and each shape is designed to make holding the mug easy. It is also easier to sense the temperature of the drink in a handle-free mug. This project was an attempt to emphasize how the form and material affect the daily rituals. The first collection of cups is more suitable for home use. Specialized cafés may order mugs adapted to specific volumes.

myceramicproject, desing: Aliona Kryshtofik / from designer’s archive

myceramicproject, desing: Aliona Kryshtofik / from designer’s archive

myceramicproject, desing: Aliona Kryshtofik / from designer’s archive
Aliona Kryshtofik
My name is Aliona Kryshtofik. I come from Belarus. I spent an important part of my life in Poland, where I started my design studies. I studied Industrial Design at the University of Arts in Poznań. Upon graduation, I became a laureate of the Maria Dokowicz competition and I got the Grand Prix in the design category. This project started my journey into the world of touch and ceramics. I am a designer, a lover of ceramics, coffee and everyday rituals. I am interested in human-centered design, psychology, culture, society, world music. I travel, receive travelers from all over the world and spend a lot of time talking about various topics. I believe that through conversations we get to know the world. Currently I am looking for a place for myself and I design ceramics.