A glass like a mug
DESIGN: Sebastian Pietkiewicz
must have 2020
The inspiration for the design of this glass was a ceramic mug from the designer’s childhood, formerly popular in such iconic places of the Polish People’s Republic as milk bars. The shape of the glass allows you to place one inside the other, which reduces the exhibition area and at the same time allows you to create your own composition consisting of various decorations.
Crystal glass is the story of the passing of a certain tradition and craftsmanship, which until the beginning of the 20th century was synonymous with prestige, and then became a product of mass production. Nowadays, metallurgical skills and the technology of producing this type of glass are disappearing. For a modern recipient who consumes objects, the history of this glass does not matter. Despite trends, I try to save a part of tradition by designing not necessarily in crystal glass, but referring to the tradition of glass grinding.