BLOK: Innowacje


Data: 24/05/2024 16:00 – 17:00

Miejsce: Centrum Festiwalowe (Art_Inkubator) Zobacz na mapie

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Strefa: Sala Teatralna, Budynek C, Poziom 0


Rejestracja: Wstęp bezpłatny i otwarty.


Blok prezentacji wokół najnowszych trendów w designie.



Prelegentka: Nikola Salacz


Temat prelekcji: THE APPLICATION GAP How do social and health research feel in architectural design processes?


Healthcare environments. Sensitive spaces of care. Places which have a particular impact on human behaviour and healing processes. But how much do we care when we design them? How do social and health research weigh in the practice? How can we challenge this situation? 


Drawing on the knowledge of social science, design processes and environmental psychology, Nikola will talk about the current situation of social and health research in architectural practices. From the multi-level perspective, starting from social researchers, touching on the architects’ headaches and reflecting on the clients’ agendas. Hence promoting the value of interdisciplinarity within the design teams to ease the existing problem of the ‘application gap’ of research findings into designs.


The talk will refer to her work, observations, and the research carried out in Denmark together with six architectural studios that were responsible for the transformation of health infrastructure, so-called Super Hospitals.


*presentation only in English

Nikola Salacz 

Communication Designer, Architectural Anthropologist, Design Process & Behaviour Researcher. Graduated with an MSc in Spatial Designs & Society (Roskilde University), and a BA in Communication Design (Wroclaw University). 

Her passion for bridging communication design with social research in architecture started in Wroclaw, where in 2021 she did research on Gated & Digital Communities and later co-founded project “KTO TU MIESZKA?”. In 2022 she was a part of the Copenhagen Architecture Festival: Sense of Place. In 2023 she had the honour to represent one of the Next Gen voices at the UIA World Congress in the area of Health Design. Currently, she is a part of Building Diversity, a non-profit organisation promoting diversity and equality in the architectural field. 

She is particularly interested in social sustainability, environmental psychology and strategic designs in the architectural field. Her area of recent study focuses on the role of research in architectural practices in the context of designing Danish Super Hospitals. 

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Wystąpienia znalazły się w programie Łódź Design Festival 2024 w ramach otwartego naboru open programme.
